SCI写作资料 人体解剖学 专用名词 中英文对照表


下甲状旁腺inferior parathyroid gland

锥状叶pyramidal lobe


松果体pineal body

[甲状腺]左叶left lobe of thyroid gland

上甲状旁腺superior parathyroid gland

甲状腺悬韧带suspensory ligament of thyroid gland

前叶anterior lobe

肾上腺后面posterior surface of adrenal gland


甲状腺鞘sheath of thyroid gland

[甲状腺]右叶right lobe of thyroid gland

甲状腺thyroid gland

肾上腺内侧缘medial border of adrenal gland

[肾上腺]门hilum of adrenal gland

[肾上腺]中央静脉central vein of adrenal gland

甲状腺峡isthmus of thyroid gland


肾上腺suprarenal gland

副肾上腺accessory suprarenal gland

[甲状腺]纤维囊fibrous capsule

囊鞘间隙space between capsule and sheath


肾上腺前面anterior surface of adrenal gland

肾上腺肾面renal part of adrenal gland

后叶posterior lobe

内分泌腺endocrine gland

副甲状腺accessory thyroid gland



蝶窦sphenoidal sinus

阴道口vaginal orifice

喉软骨laryngeal cartilage

阴道前庭vaginal vestibule

前筛窦anterior ethmoidal sinus

[乳腺]外侧突lateral process of mammary gland

环状软骨cricoid cartilage

乳腺叶lobe of mammary gland

环状软骨弓arch of cricoid cartilage

乳腺小叶lobule of mammary gland

环状软骨板lamina of cricoid cartilage

阴蒂头glans of clitoris

甲状软骨孔thyroid foramen

阴蒂系带frenulum of clitoris

[甲状软骨]下切迹inferior thyroid notch

女尿道嵴urethral ridge

甲状舌骨膜thyrohyoid membrane


会厌软骨前脂体preepiglottic adipose body

甲关节面thyroid articular surface

会阴肌perineal muscle

乳晕腺areolar gland

杓状软骨尖apex of arytenoid cartilage

闭孔筋膜obturator fascia

肛尾韧带anococcygeal ligament

直肠阴道隔rectovaginal septum

会厌结节tubercle of epiglottis

盆壁筋膜parietal pelvic fascia

环状软骨咽韧带cricopharyngeal ligament

盲肠血管襞vascular cecal fold

右结肠旁沟right paracolic sulcus

脐外侧襞lateral umbilical fold


直肠膀胱陷凹rectovesical pouch

前列腺后面posterior surface of prostate

右叶间裂right interlobar fissure

肾柱renal column

女阴裂vulval cleft


肝圆韧带ligamentum teres hepatis

小叶间胆管interlobular bile duct

左外叶上段superior segment of left lateral lobe

耻骨前列腺韧带puboprostatic ligament

环杓关节囊capsule of cricoarytenoid joint

阴茎背dorsum of penis

精索外筋膜external spermatic fascia

肾压迹renal impression

前列腺尖apex of prostate

肝裂hepatic fissure

提睾肌cremaster muscle

肾上腺压迹suprarenal impression

男性外生殖器官external genital organ of male

右前叶right anterior lobe

左内叶left medial lobe

前列腺囊prostatic capsule




纵隔胸膜mediastinal pleura

结肠上区supracolic compartment


会阴深隙deep perineal space

会阴浅隙superficial perineal space

冠状韧带coronary ligament

十二指肠上隐窝superior duodenal recess

右三角韧带right triangular ligament

肝下隐窝subhepatic recess

腹股沟内侧窝medial inguinal fossa

膜间部intermembranous part

舌正中沟median sulcus of tongue

软骨间部intercartilaginous part

界沟terminal sulcus

声门下腔infraglottic cavity

[胃]前壁anterior wall of stomach

上段支气管superior segmental bronchus

扁桃体囊tonsillar capsule

支气管树bronchial tree

右肺上叶superior lobe of right lung

[咽上缩肌]舌咽部glossopharyngeal part of superior constrictor of pharynx

[肺]内侧面medial surface of lung

会厌谷epiglottic vallecula

左肺小舌lingula of left lung

咽肌muscle of pharynx

纵隔部mediastinal part

[肺]膈面diaphragmatic surface of lung

肺根root of lung

咽上缩肌superior constrictor of pharynx

叶间面interlobar surface

胸膜食管肌pleuroesophageal muscle

肺泡pulmonary alveoli

前底段anterior basal segment


胸膜肺区pleuropulmonal region



[胃]后壁posterior wall of stomach

胸膜上膜suprapleural membrane

幽门管pyloric canal

膈纵隔隐窝phrenicomediastinal recess

胃小凹gastric pit

[胃壁]肌层muscular layer of stomach wall

肺韧带pulmonary ligament

小肠small intestine

肋胸膜costal pleura

幽门括约肌sphincter of pylorus

泌尿生殖系统urogenital system

泌尿器官urinary organ

[十二指肠]水平部horizontal part of duodenum

气管前间隙pretracheal space

[十二指肠]上部superior part of duodenum


[十二指肠]升部ascending part of duodenum

气管隆嵴下间隙subcarina of trach space

十二指肠球duodenal bulb of duodenum

肾窦renal sinus

十二指肠下曲inferior duodenal flexure

食管后间隙retroesophageal space

十二指肠纵襞longitudinal fold of duodenum

肾筋膜renal fascia

十二指肠空肠曲duodenojejunal flexure

十二指肠大乳头major duodenal papilla

[输尿管]壁内部intramural part of ureter

结肠右曲right colic flexure

肾段renal segment

回盲瓣口orifice of ileocecal valve

肾叶renal lobe

肾小盏minor renal calice

阑尾口orifice of vermiform appendix

肾乳头renal papilla

[回盲瓣]上唇upper lip of ileocecal valve


阑尾集合淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphatic follicle of vermiform appendix

乳头孔papillary foramen

[回盲瓣]下唇lower lip of ileocecal valve

膀胱垂vesical uvula

[直肠]会阴曲perineal flexure of rectum

男性内生殖器male internal genital organ

输尿管口ureteric orifice

脐正中韧带median umbilical ligament

结肠袋haustrum of colon

尿道内口internal urethral orifice

[直肠]骶曲sacral flexure of rectum

[膀胱]肌层muscular layer of urinary bladder

肠脂垂epiploic appendice

[肝]上部superior part of liver

睾丸鞘膜tunica vaginalis of testis

直肠尾骨肌rectococcygeal muscle

白膜tunica albuginea


附睾下韧带inferior ligament of epididymis

海绵体静脉cavernous vein

[肝左管]外侧支lateral branch

阴茎颈neck of penis

乳头突papillary process

尿道海绵体白膜albuginea of urethra cavernous body

尿道球bulb of urethra

小叶间静脉interlobular vein

尿道外口external orifice of urethra


尿道陷窝urethral lacuna

胰头head of pancreas

[肝左管]内侧支medial branch

尾状叶右管right duct of caudate lobe

前列腺窦prostatic sinus

螺旋襞spiral fold

尿道海绵体部cavernous part of urethra

胆总管括约肌sphincter of common bile duct

前列腺部prostatic part

胆囊体body of gallbladder

卵巢内侧面medial surface of ovary

[胰]下缘inferior border of pancreas

阴囊缝raphe of scrotum

胰体body of pancreas

外侧突lateral process

子宫颈neck of uterus

蝶筛隐窝sphenoethmoidal recess

喉结laryngeal prominence

阴蒂脚crus of clitoris

右板right lamina

阴蒂体body of clitoris

左板left lamina

切牙管incisive duct

阴道前庭窝vestibular fossa of vagina

中筛窦middle ethmoidal sinus

杓关节面arytenoid articular surface

直肠膀胱隔rectovesical septum

环杓后韧带posterior cricoarytenoid ligament

[牙]舌面lingual surface of tooth

牙冠髓coronal pulp

[牙]切缘incisal margin of tooth

牙根髓radicular pulp

牙腔dental cavity

[牙]唇面labial surface of tooth

牙颈neck of tooth

[牙]颊面buccal surface of tooth

牙根root of tooth

[牙]近中面mesial surface of tooth



硬腭hard palate

[腮腺]浅部superficial part of parotid gland

[腮腺]深部deep part of parotid gland

咽旁间隙parapharyngeal space

舌腺lingual gland

腮腺管parotid duct

小唾液腺minor salivary gland


牙冠crown of tooth

颊腺buccal gland

牙尖cuspis of tooth

前列腺中叶middle lobe of prostate

阴茎根root of penis

唇腺labial gland

后底段posterior basal segment

贲门部cardiac part

下纵隔inferior mediastinum

肾门renal hilum

肉膜肌dartos muscle

尾状突caudate process

游离缘free border

胰颈neck of pancreas

小阴唇lesser lip of pudendum

额窦frontal sinus

前庭小腺lesser vestibular gland

喉关节laryngeal joint

前列腺提肌levator prostatae

[杓状软骨]前外侧面anterolateral surface of arytenoid cartilage

甲状会厌韧带thyroepiglottic ligament

盆筋膜腱弓tendinous arch of pelvic fascia

舌骨会厌韧带hyoepiglottic ligament

肌突muscular process

前列腺筋膜prostatic fascia

尖段apical segment


输精管deferent duct

卵巢窝ovarian fossa

外侧段支气管lateral segmental bronchus


肝门porta hepatis

迷小管aberrant ductule

静脉韧带裂fissure for ligamentum venosum

前列腺下外侧面posteriolateral surface of prostate

阴道褶rugae of vagina

左段间裂left intersegmental fissure

前列腺鞘prostatic sheath

会厌软骨epiglottic cartilage

肛门外括约肌external anal sphincter

口角angle of mouth


肝圆韧带切迹notch for ligamentum teres hepatis

牙周膜periodontal membrane

嵌入性牙周膜periodontium insertionis


[牙]缘嵴marginal crest of tooth

牙冠腔pulp chamber

临床牙冠clinical crown of tooth

软腭soft palate

鼻唇沟nasolabial sulcus

腭缝palatine raphe


口腔黏膜mucous membrane of mouth

舌前腺anterior lingual gland

舟状窝瓣valve of navicular fossa

肝胰壶腹括约肌sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla

精阜seminal colliculus

胆囊颈neck of gallbladder

卵巢子宫端uterine extremity of ovary

副胰管accessory pancreatic duct


[胰]前缘anterior border of pancreas


卵巢系膜缘mesovarian border of ovary

胰管pancreatic duct

女性内生殖器internal genital organ of female

[胰]上缘superior border of pancreas

子宫左角left horn of uterus

鼻中隔软骨septal cartilage of nose

子宫峡isthmus of uterus

呼吸系统respiratory system

输卵管襞uterine tubal fold

鼻翼大软骨major alar cartilage

输卵管uterine tube

外鼻external nose

子宫腺uterine gland

上鼻甲superior nasal concha

子宫圆韧带round ligament of uterus

中鼻甲middle nasal concha


子宫颈阴道上部supravaginal part of cervix

犁鼻软骨vomeronasal cartilage

后唇posterior lip

鼻中隔nasal septum

子宫骶韧带uterosacral ligament

嗅沟olfactory sulcus

子宫腔cavity of uterus

呼吸区respiratory region

中鼻道middle nasal meatus

[阴道穹]后部posterior part of vaginal fornix

嗅区olfactory region

褶柱column of ruga

[阴道]前壁anterior wall of vagina

鼻腺nasal gland


唇前连合anterior labial commissure

鼻旁窦paranasal sinus

前庭球bulb of vestibule

上结节superior thyroid tubercle

阴蒂海绵体cavernous body of clitoris


腹膜外间隙extraperitoneal space

右肝上间隙right suprahepatic space

左肝上间隙left suprahepatic space


左肝上前间隙anterior left suprahepatic space


肝胃韧带hepatogastric ligament

横结肠系膜transverse mesocolon

肝十二指肠韧带hepatoduodenal ligament

升结肠系膜ascending mesocolon

肝结肠韧带hepatocolic ligament

十二指肠旁襞paraduodenal fold

胃结肠韧带gastrocolic ligament

左三角韧带left triangular ligament

膈结肠韧带phrenicocolic ligament

肝肾韧带hepatorenal ligament

十二指肠旁隐窝paraduodenal recess

盲肠后隐窝retrocecal recess


子宫阔韧带broad ligament of uterus

环杓侧肌lateral cricoarytenoid

杓间切迹interarytenoid notch

舌缘margin of tongue

气管黏膜mucous membrane of trachea

喉纤维弹性膜laryngeal fibroelastic membrane

气管肌tracheal muscle

[舌]上纵肌superior longitudinal muscle

声韧带vocal ligament

舌肌muscle of tongue

膜壁membranous wall

腭帆提肌levator veli palatini

气管腺tracheal gland

咽峡isthmus of fauces

右肺上叶支气管right superior lobar bronchus

前段支气管anterior segmental bronchus

三角襞triangular fold

左主支气管left principal bronchus

扁桃体上窝supratonsillar fossa

咽隐窝pharyngeal recess

内侧底段支气管medial basal segmental bronchus

腭帆张肌tensor veli palatini

下舌段支气管inferior lingular bronchus

前底段支气管anterior basal segmental bronchus

腭垂肌musculus uvulae


肺段支气管支segmental bronchial branch

咽鼓管咽口pharyngeal opening of auditory tube

尖后段支气管apicoposterior segmental bronchus

咽穹fornix of pharynx

左肺心切迹cardiac notch of left lung

上舌段superior lingular segment

[食管]胸部thoracic part of esophagus

下舌段inferior lingular segment

[食管]腹部abdominal part of esophagus

左肺下叶inferior lobe of left lung

环状软骨食管腱cricoesophageal tendon

后段posterior segment

内侧段medial segment

咽下缩肌inferior constrictor of pharynx

前段anterior segment

[食管]颈部cervical part of esophagus

右肺下叶inferior lobe of right lung

幽门部pyloric part

胸膜顶cupula of pleura

幽门窦pyloric antrum

上段superior segment

支气管食管肌bronchoesophageal muscle

肺泡囊alveolar sac

环状襞circular fold

中纵隔middle mediastinum

小肠绒毛intestinal villus

后纵隔posterior mediastinum

孤立淋巴滤泡solitary lymphatic follicle

脏胸膜visceral pleura

上纵隔superior mediastinum

胸膜隐窝pleural recess

胃襞gastric fold

[小肠]肌层muscular layer of small intestine

肋膈隐窝costodiaphragmatic recess

胃区gastric area

十二指肠上曲superior duodenal flexure

[十二指肠]降部descending part of duodenum

[输尿管]盆部pelvic part of ureter

升结肠ascending colon

结肠带colic band

膀胱尖apex of bladder

结肠左曲left colic flexure

耻骨膀胱肌pubovesical muscle

结肠系膜带mesocolic band

膀胱体body of bladder

肝蒂hepatic pedicle

壶腹憩室diverticula ampullae

网膜结节omental tuberosity

食管压迹esophageal impression

下迷小管inferior aberrant ductule

[肝]脏面visceral surface of liver

附睾体body of epididymis

阴茎海绵体白膜albuginea of penis cavernous body

中央静脉central vein

阴茎包皮prepuce of penis

胆小管biliary ductuli

阴茎缝raphe of penis

尿道海绵体小梁trabecula of penis cavernous body

肝右管right hepatic duct

尿道海绵体cavernous body of urethra

小叶间动脉interlobular artery

胆囊管cystic duct

阴茎深筋膜deep fascia of penis

胆总管common bile duct

男性尿道male urethra


肝胰壶腹hepatopancreatic ampulla

尿道嵴urethral ridge

上颌窦maxillary sinus

[甲状软骨]上切迹superior thyroid notch

女性尿道外口external orifice of female urethra

海绵体中隔septum of cavernous body

[甲状软骨]斜线oblique line of thyroid cartilage

甲状舌骨外侧韧带lateral thyrohyoid ligament

阴蒂筋膜fascia of clitoris

杓状软骨关节面articular surface of arytenoid cartilage

杓状软骨底base of arytenoid cartilage



环状软骨气管韧带cricotracheal ligament

盆膈上筋膜superior fascia of pelvic diaphragm

[牙]横嵴transverse ridge of tooth

腹膜隐窝peritoneal recess

回盲上隐窝superior ileocecal recess

左结肠旁沟left paracolic sulcus

膀胱横襞transverse vesical fold

膀胱上窝supravesical fossa

乳晕areola of breast

牙根尖apex of root of tooth

尖顶apex of cuspis


腔静脉沟sulcus for vena cava

睾丸小隔septulum testis

乳房体body of breast

肝左管left hepatic duct


尿道球腺导管duct of bulbourethral gland

右后叶上段superior segment of right posterior lobe

环甲关节cricothyroid joint

后叶posterior lobe of prostate

肝段segment of liver

[肝]下缘inferior border of liver


方叶quadrate lobe

右后叶下段inferior segment of right posterior lobe

肝右叶right lobe of liver

肝左叶left lobe of liver

白线white line

咽囊pharyngeal bursa

尿道舟状窝navicular fossa of urethra

前列腺左侧叶left lobe of prostate

舌尖apex of tongue

壁胸膜parietal pleura

心压迹cardiac impression

会阴浅筋膜superficial fascia of perineum

左肝下间隙left infrahepatic space

左肝下前间隙anterior left subrahepatic space

坐骨肛门窝ischioanal fossa

腹膜腔peritoneal cavity

坐骨肛门窝脂体adipose body of ischioanal fossa

腹膜外器官extraperitoneal organ

左肠系膜窦left mesenteric sinus

网膜囊omental bursa

右肠系膜窦right mesenteric sinus

网膜孔omental foramen

网膜囊前庭vestibule of omental bursa

腹膜后间隙retroperitoneal space

耻骨后间隙retropubic space

胃膈韧带gastrophrenic ligament

胃脾韧带gastrosplenic ligament

肝胰襞hepatopancreatic fold

镰状韧带falciform ligament of liver

十二指肠上襞superior duodenal fold

肝肾隐窝hepatorenal recess

腹前壁腹膜peritoneum of anterior abdominal wall

回盲下隐窝inferior ileocecal recess

直肠子宫陷凹rectouterine pouch

膀胱子宫陷凹vesicouterine pouch

喉口aperture of larynx

舌背dorsum of tongue


沟前部presulcal part

杓状会厌襞aryepiglottic fold

沟后部postsulcal part

甲状会厌部thyroarytenoid part

恒牙permanent tooth

[环甲肌]斜部oblique part of cricothyroid


牙间隙interdental space

环杓后肌posterior cricoarytenoid

杓会厌部aryepiglottic part


喉腔laryngeal cavity

舌根root of tongue


喉室ventricle of larynx

丝状乳头filiform papilla


声门裂fissure of glottis

轮廓乳头vallate papilla

舌系带frenulum of tongue

杓间襞interarytenoid fold

叶状乳头foliate papilla

舌垂直肌vertical muscle of tongue

气管隆嵴carina of trachea


方形膜quadrangular membrane

弹性圆锥elastic conus

舌中隔septum of tongue

[肺]肋面costal surface of lung

左肺下叶支气管left inferior lobar bronchus

外侧底段支气管lateral basal segmental bronchus

右肺right lung

咽鼓管咽襞salpingopharyngeal fold

肺门hilum of lung

翼突下颌缝pterygomandibular raphe

外侧段lateral segment

贲门切迹cardiac incisure

呼吸性细支气管respiratory bronchiole

胃大弯greater curvature of stomach

膈胸膜筋膜phrenicopleural fascia

肋纵隔隐窝costomediastinal recess

集合淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphatic follicle

肾皮质renal cortex

大肠large intestine

肾盏renal calice

回盲口ileocecal orifice

肾髓质renal medulla


肾大盏major renal calice

直肠横襞transverse fold of rectum

膀胱颈neck of bladder

结肠半月襞semilunar fold of colon


精直小管straight seminiferous tubule


睾丸网rete testis

肛直肠线anorectal line

睾丸引带gubernaculum of testis

肛管anal canal

睾丸小叶lobule of testis


上迷小管superior aberrant ductule

[肝]右部right part of liver

睾丸附件appendix of testis

附睾小叶lobule of epididymis

裸区bare area of liver

尿道海绵体腔caverns of urethra cavernous body

[肝右管]后支posterior branch

螺旋动脉helicine artery

血管周围纤维囊perivascular fibrous capsule

阴茎海绵体小梁trabecula of penis cavernous body

肝总管common hepatic duct

尿道腺urethral gland

[胰]钩突uncinate process of pancreas

前列腺小囊prostatic utricle

胆囊底fundus of gallbladder

[胰]前面anterior surface of pancreas

前唇anterior lip


外侧脚lateral crus

鼻尖apex of nose

子宫右角right horn of uterus

棕榈襞palmate fold

[鼻中隔]骨部bony part of nasal septum

子宫颈阴道部vaginal part of cervix


鼻前庭nasal vestibule

子宫颈管canal of cervix of uterus

[鼻中隔]软骨部cartilaginous part of nasal septum

海绵体膜spongy membrane

下鼻道inferior nasal meatus

阴道穹fornix of vagina

鼻黏膜mucous membrane of nose

处女膜痕hymenal carunculae

大阴唇greater lip of pudendum


上唇结节tubercle of upper lip

口腔oral cavity

上唇upper lip

腭横襞transverse palatine fold

下颌下腺submandibular gland

切牙乳头incisive papilla

下颌下腺管submandibular duct

口腔腺oral gland

腮腺parotid gland

大唾液腺major salivary gland

牙结节tubercle of tooth

磨牙腺molar gland

腭腺palatine gland

会阴中心腱perineal central tendon

盆膈pelvic diaphragm

肛提肌levator ani muscle

喉肌muscle of larynx

前列腺底base of prostate

左外叶下段inferior segment of left lateral lobe

阴茎头冠corona of glans

网膜囊上隐窝superior omental recess

椭圆凹oblong fovea

大网膜greater omentum

下牙弓lower dental arch


下唇lower lip

唇联合labial commissure

膈胸膜diaphragmatic pleura


尖牙canine tooth

结肠压迹colic impression

扁桃体隐窝tonsillar crypt

输卵管漏斗infundibulum of uterine tube

直肠壶腹ampulla of rectum

阴蒂包皮prepuce of clitoris


甲状舌骨正中韧带median thyrohyoid ligament

下结节inferior thyroid tubercle

[甲状软骨]上角superior cornu of thyroid cartilage

乳腺mammary gland

麦粒软骨triticeal cartilage

女性尿道female urethra

三角凹triangular fovea

[杓状软骨]内侧面medial surface of arytenoid cartilage


[杓状软骨]后面posterior surface of arytenoid cartilage

输乳管lactiferous duct

会阴缝perineal raphe

杓状软骨arytenoid cartilage

输乳管窦lactiferous sinus

环甲关节囊capsule of cricothyroid joint

副乳房accessory breast

角环韧带ceratocricoid ligament

弓状嵴arcuate crest

乳房悬韧带suspensory ligament of breast

环甲正中韧带median cricothyroid ligament

楔状软骨cuneiform cartilage


环杓关节cricoarytenoid joint

会厌软骨茎stalk of epiglottis

盆筋膜pelvic fascia

气管杈bifurcation of trachea

肺尖apex of lung

[牙]腭面palatal surface of tooth

脊柱部vertebral part

输精管壶腹ampulla of deferent duct

右前叶下段inferior segment of right anterior lobe

阴茎脚crus of penis

肝韧带ligament of liver

膀胱旁窝paravesical fossa

腹股沟外侧窝lateral inguinal fossa

杓斜肌oblique arytenoid

横结肠transverse colon

肝叶lobe of liver

精索被膜tunica of spermatic cord

前列腺右侧叶right lobe of prostate

背裂dorsal fissure

右前叶上段superior segment of right anterior lobe

阴茎体body of penis

方部quadrate part

耻骨前列腺肌puboprostatic muscle

肛区anal region

尿生殖膈上筋膜superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm

盆膈下筋膜inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm

尿生殖膈下筋膜inferior fascia of urogenital diaphragm

尿生殖膈urogenital diaphragm

会阴横韧带transverse ligament of perineum

会阴深横肌deep transverse muscle of perineum

左肝下后间隙posterior left subrahepatic space

腹膜外筋膜extraperitoneal fascia

结肠下区infracolic compartment

腹膜襞peritoneal fold

腹股沟三角inguinal triangle

舌盲孔foramen cecum of tongue

楔状结节cuneiform tubercle

舌下面inferior surface of tongue

喉中间腔intermedial cavity of larynx

舌乳头papilla of tongue



内侧段支气管medial segmental bronchus

腭肌muscle of palate

右肺下叶支气管right inferior lobar bronchus


腭帆velum palatinum

尖段支气管apical segmental bronchus


后段支气管posterior segmental bronchus

半月襞semilunar fold

右主支气管right principal bronchus

腭舌弓palatoglossal arch

扁桃体小窝tonsillar fossula

肺底base of lung

提肌圆枕torus of levator

咽鼓管扁桃体tubal tonsil


咽鼓管圆枕tubal torus

左肺上叶支气管left superior lobar bronchus

咽鼓管腭襞salpingopalatine fold

上舌段支气管superior lingular bronchus


右肺水平裂horizontal fissure of right lung

[咽上缩肌]颊咽部buccopharyngeal part of superior constrictor of pharynx

支气管肺段bronchopulmonary segment

[咽上缩肌]下颌咽部mylopharyngeal part of superior constrictor of pharynx

咽颅底筋膜pharyngobasilar fascia

舌会厌正中襞median glossoepiglottic fold

[肺]下缘inferior border of lung

咽缝raphe of pharynx

心压迹cardiac impression

舌会厌外侧襞lateral glossoepiglottic fold

梨状隐窝piriform recess

[肺]斜裂oblique fissure of lung

[咽上缩肌]翼咽部pterygopharyngeal part of superior constrictor of pharynx

前缘anterior border


外侧底段lateral basal segment

咽周间隙peripharyngeal space

前段anterior segment

咽中缩肌middle constrictor of pharynx

后底段posterior basal segment

咽后间隙retropharyngeal space

[咽中缩肌]小角咽部chondropharyngeal part of middle constrictor of pharynx

[咽中缩肌]大角咽部ceratopharyngeal part of middle constrictor of pharynx

尖后段apicoposterior segment


[咽下缩肌]甲咽部thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor of pharynx

胸膜腔pleural cavity

角切迹angular incisure

内侧底段medial basal segment

胸内筋膜endothoracic fascia

胃底fundus of stomach

胃体body of stomach

肺泡管alveolar duct

胃小弯lesser curvature of stomach

前纵隔anterior mediastinum


系膜缘mesenteric border

斜纤维oblique fiber

肾旁脂体pararenal adipose body of kidney

十二指肠悬肌suspensory muscle of duodenum

脂肪囊fatty renal capsule

十二指肠悬韧带suspensory ligament of duodenum

[肾]纤维囊fibrous capsule

纵隔间隙mediastinum space

十二指肠小乳头minor duodenal papilla

胸骨后间隙retrosternal space

血管前间隙prevascular space

[输尿管]腹部abdominal part of ureter


回盲瓣系带frenulum of ileocecal valve

膀胱urinary bladder

膀胱逼尿肌detrusor of bladder

降结肠descending colon

膀胱三角trigone of bladder

网膜带omental band

膀胱底fundus of bladder

乙状结肠sigmoid colon

输尿管间襞interureteric fold

独立带free band

[肝]膈面diaphragmatic surface of liver

睾丸输出小管efferent ductule of testis

[睾丸鞘膜]壁层parietal layer of tunica vaginalis

肛梳anal pecten

肛窦anal sinus

精曲小管contorted seminiferous tubule

肛门内括约肌sphincter ani internus

肛瓣anal valve

阴茎海绵体cavernous body of penis

肝小叶lobule of liver

阴茎海绵体腔caverns of penis cavernous body

[肝右管]前支anterior branch

阴茎浅筋膜superficial fascia of penis

包皮腺preputial gland

尾状叶左管left duct of caudate lobe

尿道膜部membranous part of urethra

卵巢外侧面lateral surface of ovary

网膜结节omental tuberosity

阴囊中隔septum of scrotum

后突posterior process

卵巢髓质medulla of ovary

内侧脚medial crus

下鼻甲inferior nasal concha

鼻后孔posterior nare


鼻阈nasal limen

[鼻中隔]膜部membranous part of nasal septum


最上鼻甲supreme nasal concha

中鼻道前房atrium of middle meatus

[阴道穹]侧部lateral part of vaginal fornix

鼻甲海绵丛cavernous plexus of conchae


肛提肌腱弓tendinous arch of levator ani

腹膜会阴筋膜peritoneoperineal fascia

牙乳头papilla of tooth

临床牙根clinical root of tooth

[牙]邻接面approximal surface of tooth

蛤面occlusal surface

[牙]前庭面vestibular surface of tooth


口裂oral fissure

消化系统alimentary system

口唇oral lip

消化管alimentary canal

消化腺alimentary gland


龈缘gingival margin

龈乳头gingival papilla

龈沟gingival sulcus

颊脂体buccal fat pad

上唇系带frenulum of upper lip

固有口腔oral cavity proper

下唇系带frenulum of lower lip


舌下阜sublingual caruncle

舌下腺sublingual gland

舌下襞sublingual fold

舌下腺大管major sublingual duct

腮腺管乳头papilla of parotid duct

舌下腺小管minor sublingual duct

咽腔cavity of pharynx

左肺left lung

右肺中叶middle lobe of right lung

耻骨膀胱韧带pubovesical ligament

绒毛襞villous fold

小角软骨corniculate cartilage

腭腱膜palatine aponeurosis

附睾窦sinus of epididymis

舌黏膜lingual mucous membrane

[舌]下纵肌inferior longitudinal muscle

附睾尾tail of epididymis

[肝]后部posterior part of liver

卵巢伞ovarian fimbria

精索内筋膜internal spermatic fascia

牙髓dental pulp


子宫体body of uterus

筛泡ethmoidal bulla

膈下隐窝subphrenic recess

前庭球中间部intermediate part of bulb

甲状软骨thyroid cartilage

籽软骨sesamoid cartilage

盆脏筋膜visceral pelvic fascia

卵巢独立缘free border of ovary

小网膜lesser omentum

结肠旁沟paracolic sulci

卵巢悬韧带suspensory ligament of ovary

脐正中襞median umbilical fold

脐内侧襞medial umbilical fold

鼻根root of nose

附睾管duct of epididymis

胰切迹notch of pancreas

右段间裂right intersegmental fissure

精囊seminal vesicle

尿道球腺bulbourethral gland

右后叶right posterior lobe

脾隐窝splenic recess

鼻软骨nasal cartilage

胃压迹gastric impression


精索spermatic cord

十二指肠压迹duodenal impression

前叶anterior lobe of prostate

正中裂median fissure

肝纤维附件fibrous appendix of liver

前列腺前面anterior surface of prostate

左叶间裂left interlobar fissure

鞘突剩件vestige of vaginal process

阴茎头中隔septum of glans

尾状叶caudate lobe

左外叶left lateral lobe

阴唇系带frenulum of pudendal labia

[甲状软骨]下角inferior cornu of thyroid cartilage

声带突vocal process

尿道旁管paraurethral duct

牙质dentine of tooth

肾锥体renal pyramid

牙根管root canal


牙根尖孔apical foramen


[牙]远中面distal surface of tooth

[牙]接触区contingent area of tooth


口腔前庭oral vestibule

[牙]三角嵴triangular ridge of tooth

副腮腺accessory parotid gland

球海绵体肌bulbocavernosus muscle

会阴浅横肌superficial transverse muscle of perineum

尿道括约肌sphincter of urethra

尿道阴道括约肌urethrovaginal sphincter

右肝下间隙right suprahepatic space

阴部管pudendal canal

壁腹膜parietal peritoneum

左肝上后间隙posterior left suprahepatic space

脏腹膜visceral peritoneum

网膜囊下隐窝inferior omental recess

胃胰襞gastropancreatic fold

乙状结肠系膜sigmoid mesocolon



肠系膜根radix of mesentery


十二指肠下襞inferior duodenal fold

十二指肠下隐窝inferior duodenal recess

脾肾韧带splenorenal ligament

盲肠襞cecal fold

十二指肠后隐窝retroduodenal recess

乙状结肠间隐窝intersigmoid recess

回盲襞ileocecal fold


泌尿生殖系统腹膜urogenital peritoneum

直肠子宫襞rectouterine fold


上牙弓upper dental arch


乳牙deciduous tooth

[环甲肌]直部straight part of cricothyroid




杓横肌transverse arytenoid

舌体body of tongue

迟牙wisdom tooth

小角结节corniculate tubercle

伞襞fimbriated fold

喉小囊laryngeal saccule

圆锥乳头conical papilla

菌状乳头fungiform papilla

喉前庭vestibule of larynx

前庭裂vestibular fissure

声襞vocal fold

豆状乳头lentiform papilla

前庭襞vestibular fold

甲状舌管thyroglossal duct

[气管]颈部cervical part of trachea

舌扁桃体lingual tonsil

[气管]胸部thoracic part of trachea


前庭韧带vestibular ligament

舌滤泡lingual follicle

气管软骨tracheal cartilage


舌腱膜aponeurosis of tongue

环状韧带anular ligament

声带vocal cord

舌横肌transverse muscle of tongue

腭咽弓palatopharyngeal arch

右肺中叶支气管right middle lobar bronchus

扁桃体窝tonsillar fossa

肺叶支气管lobar bronchi

腭扁桃体palatine tonsil

肺段支气管segmental bronchi

咽扁桃体pharyngeal tonsil

后底段支气管posterior basal segmental bronchus


喉神经襞fold of laryngeal nerve
